Imagenomicportraiturefreedownloadphotoshopcs2 Q: SQL - How to change an integer value to string after conversion (in text) in SQL? I have a stored procedure that converts integers to strings like this: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.MyProc @i INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @s VARCHAR(10) SELECT @s = '{' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), @i) + '}' PRINT @s END The expected output is, for example: 3 -> "003" (without the first integer of course). The problem is that I want the decimal separator to be a dot, not a comma (cause that's the value I need to put in the table: "3.00". The problem is that when I execute the sp to print, it prints in this format: 3, 00. A: You can use CAST to truncate the value to 2 digits and then CONCATENATE: DECLARE @i INT = 3; SELECT CONCAT(CAST(@i AS VARCHAR(2)), '.') Result: 003 Q: jQuery validate: I'm getting 'undefined' for the errorPlacement method I'm trying to add a custom error message, which it looks like it's failing to do. I have added this in my view: model.MetroRoute)%> 1cdb36666d
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